Whether you want a conference keynote speaker or workshops to support staff with curriculum design or pedagogic research, I can help. Substantial recent experience in running workshops in support of TEF and REF. Selected contributions listed below:
Cotton, D. and Turner, R. (2018) Enhancing transition and attainment in higher education through an immersive induction module. Invited speaker Bristol Educational Excellence Seminar Series, BILT, University of Bristol, UK.
Cotton, D. (2017) What is the role of an educational developer in the neoliberal university? Teamwork, tensions and transformation. Invited keynote at Staff and Educational Development Associate (SEDA) conference. Cardiff, UK
Cotton, D. (2017) Beyond boundaries: Enhancing the student experience using pedagogic research. Invited keynote at Worcester University Teaching and learning Conference, UK.
Cotton, D. (2017) Developing the Theory and Practice of Higher Education through Pedagogic Research. Invited keynote at City University Teaching and learning Conference, UK.
Cotton, D. (2017) The Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) in the UK. Invited keynote at 2nd Eurasia Faculty development forum. Xi’an, China.
Cotton, D. (2017) Raising the Profile of Pedagogic Research and Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Invited workshop leader, Brunel University.
Cotton, D. (2016) Pedagogic research in a REF-TEF world. Invited presentation at the University of East Anglia.
Cotton, D. (2016) Teaching and learning enhancement in higher education: The philosophy and methodology of faculty development in the UK. Invited keynote at Chinese Higher Education Development (CHED) Conference, Hefei, China.
Cotton, D. (2016) Unconscious bias in higher education. Invited talk and contribution to University Alliance blog.
Cotton, D. (2016) Crossing boundaries: Developing pedagogic research in uncertain times. Keynote, University of Brighton Pedagogic Research Conference.
Cotton, D. and Winter, J. (2016) Invited faculty development 2 day workshop: Educating Sustainability Ambassadors. Macalester College, Minnesota, US.
Cotton, D. (2015) Pedagogic Research and the REF: Pitfalls and possibilities. Invited presentation at University of Kent.
Cotton, D. and Winter, J. (2015) - Small Steps to Sustainability: Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Invited presentation at Fudan University, Shanghai, China.
Cotton, D. and Winter, J. (2015) - Small Steps to Sustainability: Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Invited presentation at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.
Cotton, D. and Winter, J. (2015) - Small Steps to Sustainability: Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Invited presentation at China Agricultural University, Beijing, China.
Cotton, D. (2015) Supporting and Developing Pedagogic Research in Higher Education: Weaving a path through the REF and TEF. Invited presentation at Anglia Ruskin University.
Cotton, D. (2015) Building Capacity and Influence in Pedagogic Research: The Plymouth Pedagogic Research Institute and Observatory (PedRIO). Keynote for Kingston Educational Research Network Conference, Kingston University, UK.
Cotton, D. (2014) Small Steps to Sustainability: Buckinghamshire New University. Invited keynote for teaching and learning conference.
Cotton, D. (2013) Communicating Sustainability in Higher Education. Keynote for ‘Communicating Sustainability’ conference at UNISA, Pretoria, South Africa.
2013 Keynote: Reading between the Lines: Sustainability, Pedagogy and the Hidden Curriculum. Teaching and Learning Conference, Brighton University, UK.
2012 Invited contribution to Guardian Round Table Debate: Qualified to teach? How effective are teaching development programmes for academics? 7/11/2012. The Guardian, London, UK